One of the most common and connect the constant complaints of the disease is the cervical chondrosis, so that the home treatment for this disease – is a very topical issue. The first Phase of the degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs – chondrosis – in most cases asymptomatic, what and puts all the risk: later, and in due time begun treatment can lead to the blood press blood vessels and disruption of blood supply to the brain. Therefore, every man is at least a superficial idea of should recognize, how to treat cervical chondrosis.
Causes and symptoms
Earlier chondrosis neck and spine met, especially in the elderly. Today, the disease is diagnosed increasingly in younger people, the long time on the Computer and spend Office static work.
In the case of a cervical chondrosis can interfere with's people:
- Pain in the area of the neck, the shoulders, the;
- Noise in the ears and flying in front of the eyes;
- Dull headache and periodic dizziness;
- Crunch and "seizures" in the neck area;
- The instability of the blood pressure;
- "Lump" in the throat when swallowing;
- Poor Sleep;
- General weakness and constant fatigue.
Home treatment
Of course, for acute symptoms, you must immediately contact to a medical facility. But experienced the sick, the after long all the symptoms do not always do, and with time, master the skills and practicing first-aid treatment of the cervical chondrosis's home. Doctors, after examination and diagnosis can say, how you treat chondrosis back home, when the disease is in an advanced stage. Most of the methods are quite simple and effective.
DrugsTo endure painful symptoms of cervical chondrosis's sometimes unbearable, and if we are talking about headaches, is its presence in as a rule, inadmissible. For the fast relief of the symptomatology in the in-house pharmacy should be:
- Analgesics (baralgin, analgin);
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, Ibuprofen);
- Chondro protector (rumanol, alflutop, chondroxide).
Each of the above-mentioned painkillers available in pharmacies without a prescription, but that does not mean, of hundred are in need of expert advice regarding usage.
To relieve inflammation and warnings of disturbances of cerebral blood circulation used drugs for external use can be. Well, such a warming ointments like finalgon, voltaren, capsicam have proven themselves.
Folk RemediesThere are many methods of treatment, based on the basis of traditional medicine. Some of them are very popular as they help the pain and improve the metabolic processes in the cervical spine in a relatively short period of time. Unfortunately, completely to cure chondrosis folk medicine will not work – only an integrated approach is required.
To pound options compresses and options:
- Express poultice of burdock or cabbage. Apply cool the sheet at the location of the pain instantly easier.
- Potatoes RUB on a fine grater and mix with equal quantity of honey. To inflammation to relieve pain and enough to hold the compress for 10-15 minutes a few times a day.
- A good way to warm up mustard with honey. The neck must be lubricated, honey, put the mustard-plaster and plastic wrap. This is a compress preferably a day before bedtime for one week.
- Red peppers are anti-inflammatory and warming effect. Vegetables should be cut into small pieces, and connect with 100 grams of Aloe, 200 grams of honey and a glass of alcohol. After a day you can use: moisten a clean gauze in the solution and apply to the stove of inflammation. It is recommended to keep the compress until you feel a strong burning sensation.
- The crushed petals cloves mix with olive oil and hold for a half hour in a water bath. The mixture through gauze and RUB the affected area before bedtime.

Healing Tinctures:
- 1 teaspoon of previously dried and crushed celery cook for 5 minutes in a Liter of water. Then the mixture should be in the course of the day. You drink a teaspoon before meals.
- Crushed root and bark of barberry pour the alcohol in a ratio of 1: 10 and insist for a week. The finished Medium, strain and take 30 drops 20 minutes before meals.
- 3 tablespoons peretertych parsley seeds pour a Liter of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Broth strain and drink ½ Cup with each meal.
Source of calcium
How to heal cervical chondrosis, the older Generation knows, which is recommended as a preventive measure, the ingestion zest ordinary eggs. This product is composed of 90% calcium carbonate, which once in the body, perfectly digestible, and has a positive effect on the quality of the bone tissue. The recipe of the preparation of the national medicines is very simple: boiled eggs, take the shell, by the inner side of a white Film.
To consume the dry shells, Grind in a coffee mill, and at the top of the spoon, extinguishing the lemon juice.

You can massage in any environment, both at home and at work during the lunch break. After a few minutes of its implementation, normalizes blood circulation, reduces improve pain and health, but the regular implementation of the procedures manage to stop processes that destroy the cartilage in the spine.
The person takes a sitting posture at the Desk, put her elbows on the table, and alternating lobes of the fingers the one or the other Hand for sections of the neck. Now on warmed muscles intensive work can push to the edge of the palm, and the Phalanx of the thumb. In the area of the pain syndrome you have to run with the finger-tips by a slight tingling. The Massage must be up to the sensation of heat in the back of the head, typically the neck area enough for 5-8 minutes. You finish the process, you need to caress the neck.
To bottle home ideal Massage from the field of traditional medicine with the use of a normal rolling pin, or glass. You take the "Simulator" in the right Hand and tap next right shoulder blade in the area of the spine, then the same repeat for the left side. A variant of the Massage itself – are on the rolling pin and "drive" by massaging the painful part of the back.
Very well, if the first session of the Massage takes place under the guidance of an experienced specialist. Something heavy conductive, no, but each has its own characteristics. For example, kneading, neck, fists, not relieved, but, on the contrary, intensifies the pain.
Massage equipment with VibrationTherapeutic massage device with Vibration for cervical spine – a unique device, "working" is not worse than the Massage itself. It is available in any specialty store for medical, however, before you make a purchase, you must contact the treating medical specialist.
Movement therapyGymnastics for the neck-at home – the perfect way to reduce not only in the event of aggravation, the pain, but you don't avoid it. Only you need to the next series of regularly as a morning or evening warm-up:
- Standing straight or sitting on a chair (so comfortable) and start a circular movement in a clockwise direction, then against it. Each approach for 2 minutes.
- Occupying the same Position as in the first exercise, gently tilt the head forward and back. Then you make tilts the head in the left-hand and right-hand side.
- Try to get as high as possible and evenly lifting the shoulders upwards, so that the body without movement. Hold in this Position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Such 15-20 Approaches.
- Add the palm of the hand on the forehead, so that all finger tips except the large, touch, and slowly dilute it to the side. For maximum improvement in blood circulation, exercise, oral part of the head, repeat with the temp.
- While maintaining the Position of the head is smooth, pull back the neck as far as possible, draws the chin. After 5 seconds return to the starting position, relaxed sitting on a chair. Perform 5-10 repetitions.
Chondrosis neck disease, not treated in a day. So all of the other mentioned series of exercises of gradually increasing the number of approaches and repetitions have to perform continuously. The muscles of the neck are to train, be stronger and more resilient. And the likelihood of new bouts of pain will decrease with each new employment. Accordingly, any deviation from graphics step back to a headache.
Any disease is better to prevent than to cure. To reduce the likelihood of development of cervical chondrosis's to:
- To eat well. You need a complete and balanced diet. In the days of the card a sufficient number of protein should be enough food (meat, fish, dairy products). You also need vegetables regular consumption of servings of fresh and fruit, after digestion, in which spinal Discs dissolving salt deposits. Particular attention should be paid to the Regime of drinking water: the Norm of the adult human in pure non – carbonated water-2-2,5 liters per day
- Lead an active lifestyle. Daily time in the fresh air, Hiking, Biking, sports and preventive sports (swimming, Pilates, Yoga). Absolutely do not lift weights, and in the case of the impossibility to avoid this, distribute the load evenly to both hands, trying not to overload the back.
- Getting the right body position. The habit of a uniform posture age must to develop in the child. In the case of a prolonged stay in the same Position, you should have breaks to warm up. During sleep, comfortable and help make the right Position to comply with special orthopedic mattresses and pillows.